the joy in failure episode 2 choosing our happy first

Never give from the depths of your well, but from your overflow – Rumi

Today I delve into the idea of choosing to be happy first. A lot of us are taught as kids that it is selfish to choose our happy first, and I was inspired to explore this belief a bit more. As I consider myself a recovering people pleaser, the idea of choosing to be happy first has been something I’ve wrestled with for a while now. I believe strongly in serving others. However, what I’ve come to realize in my journey is that we can’t give what we don’t have, so we need to fill ourselves up first. I share how when I feel depleted, I’m not the happiest person in the world (I’m rather quite miserable). And I’ve come to believe it serves no one when we give from our empty wells.  I discuss how I’ve discovered that the most selfless thing we can do is to focus on being happy first.

Today I go deep into how I've learned to choose my happiness thanks to tons of trials and tribulations - from parenting to struggling with finding work life balance to getting laid off from my job (not once, twice!). In the midst of my struggles and failures such as losing my jobs and not being a present mom, I rediscovered myself and my true joy after Marie Kondo-ing my life to immersing myself deeply into personal development to practicing an 1-2 hours morning alignment of all things centering, balancing and joyous to playing more and having fun.

In this episode, I also share why we may want to give up society’s definition of success and focus on what truly makes us happy, why we may want to consider identifying less with external labels such as our jobs and titles and why we may want to always give from our overflow rather than from our depletion.  

This episode is perfect for anyone struggling to find balance in life and wanting to be happy no matter what. I share how I’ve progressively learned that the most selfless thing we can do is focus on our happy first. Personally, choosing my happy first has helped me navigate my failures more easily. Choosing my happy first has helped me find appreciation, love and joy even in my failures. Choosing my happy first has helped me accept losing my job the second time around, and discovering that a job doesn’t define who I am. As Marianne Williamson says “you can lose your job but you cannot lose your calling”. So let’s cheers to heeding our callings and choosing our happy no matter what!

For more juicy bits, listen below. 

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Today I delve into the idea of choosing to be happy first. A lot of us are taught as kids that it is selfish to choose our happy first, and I was inspired to explore this belief a bit more . As I consider myself a recovering people pleaser, the idea of choosing to be happy first has been something I’ve wrestled with for a while now. I believe strongly in serving others. However, what I’ve come to realize in my journey is that we can’t give what we don’t have, so we need to fill ourselves up first. I share how when I feel depleted, I’m not the happiest person in the world (I’m rather quite miserable ). And I’ve come to believe it serves no one when we give from our empty wells. I discuss how I’ve discovered that the most selfless thing we can do is to focus on being happy first. Today I go deep into how I've learned to choose my happiness thanks to tons of trials and tribulations -from parenting to struggling with finding work life balance to getting laid off from my job (not once, twice!). In the midst of my struggles and failures such as losing my jobs and not being a present mom, I rediscovered myself and my true joy after Marie Kondo-ing my life to immersing myself deeply into personal development to practicing an 1-2 hours morning alignment of all things centering, balancing and joyous to playing more and having fun. In this episode, I also share why we may want to give up society’s definition of success and focus on what truly makes us happy, why we may want to consider identifying less with external labels such as our jobs and titles and why we may want to always give from our overflow rather than from our depletion. This episode is perfect for anyone struggling to find balance in life and wanting to be happy no matter what. I share how I’ve progressively learned that the most selfless thing we can do is focus on our happy first. Personally, choosing my happy first has helped me navigate my failures more easily. Choosing my happy first has helped me find appreciation, love and joy even in my failures. Choosing my happy first has helped me accept losing my job the second time around, and discovering that a job doesn’t define who I am. As Marianne Williamson says “you can lose your job but you cannot lose your calling”. So let’s cheers to heeding our callings and choosing our happy no matter what. For more juicy bits, head over to www.thejoyinfailure.com/podcast Music: Be Together by DJ Babus at www.djbabus.com

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I hope you enjoyed it. If this resonated with you, please share with your friends, family and loved ones. And please leave us a 5-star rating and review in iTunes or via the podcast app, so more people can be uplifted and inspired too.

Until next time, live a joyful life no matter what!
