10 lessons that changed my life the joy in failure

The purpose of life is to know yourself and love yourself and trust yourself and be yourself – Yogi Tea quote

In honor of the 10th episode of the podcast, I was incredibly inspired to share 10 lessons that have changed my life. In this conversation, I get super candid about what held me back in the past from being true to my inner being, following my heart's calling and expressing myself to the fullest. In this episode, you’ll hear me share some radical concepts on what it takes to live a fulfilling life, and how and why these lessons have completely transformed my life. I delve deep with personal stories and observations on how I continue to still feel joy in spite of all of life’s failures and challenges. The lessons are as follows: 

1.     Choose Your Joy No Matter What

2.     Know Your “Why” 

3.     Follow The Bread Crumbs 

4.     Trust The Process

5.     Fill Your Cup/Well (from the inside out)

6.     Give Without Expectations. Love Without Regrets

7.     Don’t Take Anything Personally

8.     Don’t Put Anything or Anyone on a Pedestal

9.     Everything Is Possible

10.  Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy

This episode is perfect for anyone looking for help and inspiration in navigating this game called life in such an easeful and joyful way.

For more juicy bits, listen below. 

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Books mentioned in the episode: 

Simon Sinek’s book “Start With Why


Bentinho Massoro’s book "Super Accelerated Living"


Don Miguel Ruiz's book "The 4 Agreements"