THE-53.pnghow making friends with failure and rejection got me a dreamy job

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston S. Churchill

Today’s episode is a huge celebration and testimony on how making friends with failure and rejection got me a dreamy job. Wohoo!!!! This week I started a juicy job with a super nice company that literally cuts my daily commute by 3.5hrs. And the best part, I can still go on my long alignment morning walks :). 

For those who may be new to the podcast, I got laid off from my previous job at the end of December, and I couldn’t be more grateful for that 'perceived' setback which was actually a 'divine' setup. As you listen to this episode, you’ll hear me share my entire job story of mishaps turned miracles : from the profound experience, last year that forced me to reevaluate what was truly important to me (i.e. quality of life, peace of mind, flexibility, inspiring & empowering people) to a mentor of mine encouraging me to write down my ideal job description (i.e. a transformative job crafting/job visioning exercise) to the number rejections I got including getting laid off - which according to my 5-year-old daughter, I got fired lol.

In this deep episode, I share how finding joy in failure has propelled my personal growth to greater heights and stretched me beyond my imagination. I’m so blown away by how much I’ve grown and how much I’ve accomplished in the past 6 months (i.e. starting & producing my own podcast, creating & designing my website & content, traveling & discovering new & old amazing places, unleashing new hobbies & talents like baking & producing, redecorating & feug shui-ing my house, reconnecting with amazing people & cultivating a soul tribe, nourishing my body with self-care & my heart with self-love, letting go & forgiving myself & others, connecting deeply with my family, taking so many great classes, getting the absolutely amazing Lana Shlafer as my mindset coach, attending inspiring events like Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations, meeting great teachers of mine like Simon Sinek & Seth Godin, and rediscovering my joy and what I’m on this earth to do).

This episode is a celebration of love, joy and resilience. A celebration on what's possible when you are aligned to your soul’s calling and purpose in life. It’s perfect for anyone who is looking to feel inspired and believe in miracles again, while feeling joy and alignment- no matter what!

For more juicy bits, listen to the podcast here

Until next time, live joyfully no matter what! 


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